OTD Capstone Projects
Capstone Projects from 2024
The Impact of Parent and Caregiver Perceptions of Inclusivity Regarding the Concepts of Inclusive Playgrounds, Cydnee M. Bacci
Capstone Curriculum for University Students with Intellectual Disabilities at Lipscomb University’s IDEAL Program, Aubrey J. Barcelo
Childhood Cancer Survivorship: Navigating a New Normal in Middle Tennessee, Karli M. Beaumont
Implementing Occupational Therapy Principles into the Linden Waldorf Neurodivergent Student Population, Brooke M. Bledsoe
Respite Care and Relief for Brain Injury Survivors and Their Caregivers, Sydney Bradley
Living with Chemo Brain – Tips and Tricks to Improve the Quality of Life for Individual’s Diagnosed with Cancer, Jamie Brown
The Implementation of Animal Assisted Therapy in Adult Neurological Rehabilitation, Rachel Camilleri
Implementing Caregiver Resources Handout and Enhancing Parent and Caregiver Appreciation Week, Sidney Coolidge
Occupation-Based Fine Motor Activities for Individuals with Parkinson's Disease at Rock Steady Boxing, Caylin N. Dean
Flip for Function Program Development to Increase Effectiveness of Current and Future Program Offerings, Brianne Dombrowski
Development of Teacher Training Program, Manual, & Curriculum Guide for Inclusive Dance Studio, from an Occupational Therapy Perspective, Susanna C. Dunn
Nashville Dolphins Water Safety Awareness Project, Evan D. Eidson
Supporting Adolescent Parents Involved in YoungLives, Rachel Fister
Fashion For All: An Exploration into Adaptive Fashion, Morgan F. Harrison
Marshall Co. Parks Department: Miracle League of Western KY, Ragan Harris Winters
Bridging the Gap Between the Occupational Therapy Department and the Education Department at an Inclusive Preschool, Brenna C. Hunt
Expanding the Availability of Adapted Athletics for Youth with Physical Disabilities in Middle Tennessee, Alexandra Hurd
Providing Sensory Integration Education and Transition Tools for the Tennessee Baptist Children’s Homes, Thuy-Duong D. Huynh
Development and Implementation of a Training Manual for Increased Utilization of the Universal Exercise Unit (UEU), Anya Marie Jones
Exploring Leisure and Recreation Programming within a Transitional Living Community, Alexandra Joynes
Metro Parks Adults with Disabilities - Health management, Kaylee M. Lane
Best Practice for Creating a Sensory Garden and Calming Cart for Preschool-Aged Children at a Reggio-Inspired Preschool, Emmalee Lawrence
Fighting Against Parkinson's: A Collection of Occupation-Inspired Workouts for Rock Steady Boxing, Landis Llewelyn
Bridging the Gap: Equipping Caregivers with Skills to Promote Development, Victoria Long
Program Development for Adults and School-Aged Children with Down Syndrome at GiGi’s Playhouse, Jenna Rae Luna
Creation of Educational Resources and Program Development for the Empower Me Center, Sarah Marie T. Morris
Enhancing Concussion Education and Documentation within Belmont University’s Athletic Department, Jenna M. Ogle
Enhancing Participation in Play through Staff Training at We Rock the Spectrum, Megan Poppens
Mental Health and Wellness Programming for Adults with Down Syndrome, Chloe Samter
A Parent's Guide to Pediatric Wheelchair Equipment, Gianna M. Sarli
BEST Screening: Introducing the Neonatal Assessment Visual European Grid to NICUs in Tennessee, Gabrielle Sledge
Expanding Impact to Promote Wellness and Functional Independence, Margaret Stacy
Encouraging Participation for Trainees at Autism Career Training, Sydney L. Stahl
Sensory Exploration Curriculum Development for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities at Friends Life Community, Caroline F. Stegall
Promoting Participation in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease through the Development of Accessible Occupation-Based Resources, Kelly Struthers
Navigating Dysautonomia: A Workbook for Empowered Living, Madison Thornton
The Sensory Library: Facilitating Opportunities for Success at Bellevue Elementary School, Reagan M. Trussell
Empowering Clients and Care Partners Living with Parkinson’s Disease Through Evaluating and Addressing Gaps in Client and Care Partner Education, Victoria E. Vik
Increasing Staffs’ Awareness of Adaptive Swim Lesson Methodology and Enhancing Agency’s Infant Lesson Programming, Chloe E. Volpi
Capstone Projects from 2023
Nashville Dolphins Volunteer Training Development, Caitlin Barnickel
Examining Occupational Performance of Fighters and Further Recommendations for Well-being, Caitlin Bender
Building Resilience Through Pregnancy Utilizing Tools from Occupational Therapy and Yoga, Rachel Brown
Occupational Therapies Role in Inpatient Obstetrics, Emily Bryant-Wimp
Center for Courageous Kids Volunteer Training Resources and “Through Our Eyes” Video, Megan M. Cusick
The Lived Experience of Older Adults Desiring to Age in Place, Sarah K. Dean
Work Skills Programming Within Davidson County Residential Drug Court, Sarah Dinnes
Elopement Prevention: Promoting Safety and Supporting Participation, Sarah C. Duckworth
Exploration of Inclusivity and Accessibility of Play Spaces and Miracle League Facilities, Anna Dyduch
Building a Brighter Future: Developing Function Out of Dysfunction, Adrian Ewald
Postsecondary Education Curriculum for Adult Students with IDD at Lipscomb University's IDEAL, Rebecca Gracey
Nashville Dolphins Program Development, Laura Graves
Nashville Dolphins Program Development, Laura Graves
Habits for Health: A Holistic Approach to Women's Well-Being, Katelyn Helms
SELTEC Model Level I Fieldwork Shift in an OTA Program, Paige Henson
Week 13: Promoting Occupational Balance During Trauma Healing Journey Post-Program Participation, Rachel Hicks
Exploring Seating and Mobility Provision, Amaris Hornbuckle
Creation of Occupational Therapy Treatment Protocols for Diagnoses Affecting the Upper Extremities, William Hughes
The Impact of Social Emotional Learning in Pre-Kindergarten Classrooms, Kendall C. Jackson
Support for Saint Paul Police Federation’s Retirees, Kaitlin E. Johnson
Developing Resources to Promote Increased Program Activity and Independence for Individuals in a Residential Reentry Program, Kaylee Jorgensen
Implementing Occupational Therapy Principles into a Lower Elementary Private School in Middle Tennessee, Alexandra Shea Katzman
Enhancing Learning Outcomes in an Intervention Based Orthopedic Course, Kathryn E. Kita
Promoting Occupational Therapy Student Well-Being through Scholarship, Hanna Mcclain
Life Skills Guide for Supported Recovery for Individuals with Mental Health Conditions & Their Support Systems, Natalie Metzger
Promoting Health Education and Wellness Among Clients of Nurses for Newborns, Whitney Mitchell
Occupational Therapy’s Role in Addressing Sensory Needs and Fine Motor Development Through Teacher Training, Kennedy M. Morgan
The Home Modification Process Through the Lens of an OT, James C. Nichols
Program Development Through Therapeutic Camps, Bayleigh B. Powers
Developing Group Protocols in an Inpatient Rehabilitation Setting, Madison Quan
Enhancing OTD Clinical Studies Course Curriculum, Katherine J. Rauch
Adult Vocational Skills Program Development at GiGi’s Playhouse, Lavanya Reddy
Mental Health and Mindfulness: A Homeroom Curriculum at Benton Hall Academy, Kasey A. Rohleder
Promoting Full Participation for Students Involved in Young Life Capernaum, Hannah Simmons
Positive Behavioral Supports and Sensory Experiences at Benton Hall Academy, Ania Spann
Inclusive Unmounted Lesson Curriculum Development at Saddle Up!, Emily A. Wagstaff
Supporting Caregivers through Dementia and ADL Education, Amanda T. Wiedoff
Achieving the Best of All: Program Development for Adults and Preschoolers with Down Syndrome at GiGi's Playhouse, Samantha Wu
Capstone Projects from 2022
GiGi’s Playhouse Program Development, Jensen Anderson
Adult Program Development GiGi’s Playhouse, Ella E. Baggett
Burnout Solutions Through Wellness and Outdoor Adventure, Cassidy Bizzell
Promoting the Benefits of Therapy Dogs in Healthcare Settings through Children's Literature, Angela Bozik
The Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes Needed for Entry Level Wheelchair Service Providers: A Collaboration with ISWP and CTF, Taylor Bumbalough
Illuminate Academy Shine Shop Resources and Kindergarten Market Research, Rya G. Carroll
Community Accessibility for Individuals with Disabilities, Marshall Dumas
Pediatric Manual Wheelchair Skills Handbook, Brooke Edwards
Advocacy and Collaboration to Promote and Enhance Services Provided by Ability App, Callie Emerson
Integrating Best Practice in Belmont’s OTD Curriculum through Research, Dissemination, and Development of Supplemental Course Materials, Alyson Graham
Promoting Client-Centered Learning and Education of Teenage Mothers, Katie R. Hartline
Educational Guides to Assistive Technology and Digital Literacy for Older Adults and Caregivers, Cheney D. Hess
Developing Resources to Promote Proficient Telehealth Service Delivery and Increase Knowledge about Making Changes to a State’s Practice Act, Cassandra M. Howe
Promoting Participant and Community Participation at Saddle Up!, Savannah R. MacIsaac
Promoting Occupational Well-Being Through Program Development at Rock Steady Boxing, Meredith F. Maines
Home and Environmental Modifications and Community Resources for Individuals with Visual Impairment, Kimberly McLaughlin
Promoting Community Accessibility Through Advocacy and Networking with The Ability App, Chloe C. Moore
Nobody Likes Busy Work: TILTing an OTA Program's Curriculum, Sarah Parkinson
Believe in All: Adaptive Gymnastics Program, Pooja Patel
Evaluating Accessibility in TN State Parks, Ashley C. Phillips