OTD Capstone Projects
This doctoral capstone project was completed through partnership with Middle Tennessee Christian School in Murfreesboro, TN. The focus of this project was development, implementation, and advocacy regarding pivotal occupational therapy principals in a school that does not offer school OT services. The goal of this project was implementation of the Zones of Regulation curriculum into Kindergarten - 2nd grade classrooms as well as development of a fine motor skills resource guide for teachers and parents. Zones of Regulation training sessions consisted of identifying emotions, categorizing these emotions into Zones, and discussing regulation tools that drive self regulation. Fine motor resource guides focused on grasp patterns, preparatory activities/proper posture for handwriting, environmental modifications for handwriting, Handwriting without Tears “crash course” and themed, developmental appropriate fine motor activities. Throughout this project, teachers were educated and trained on the importance of fine motor skill and emotional regulation development while in early grade levels.
Publication Date
Spring 4-25-2023
Faculty Mentor
Katy Schmidt OTD, OTR/L
Occupational Therapy, School of
Health Sciences & Nursing, Gordon E. Inman College of
Document Type
Doctorate of Occupational Therapy (OTD)
Degree Level
Degree Grantor
Belmont University
emotional regulation, fine motor, handwriting, zones of regulation, occupational therapy
Recommended Citation
Katzman, Alexandra Shea, "Implementing Occupational Therapy Principles into a Lower Elementary Private School in Middle Tennessee" (2023). OTD Capstone Projects. 123.