OTD Capstone Projects
This doctoral capstone project was completed through a partnership with Metro Parks adults with disABILITIES. This agency is a local day program focused on providing every Nashville citizen in Davidson County with intellectual and developmental disABILITIES with an equitable opportunity for safe recreational and cultural activities. Metro Parks offers a variety of age and ability appropriate activities that highlight the ABILIITIES of all members. The primary focus of this capstone experience was to create an evidenced based program designed specifically for this population. The goal of the project was to increase participation in meaningful occupations and overall wellbeing for attending members. Outcomes included creating, implementing, and analyzing survey results to create a health management initiative to fill identified knowledge gaps. The program was run daily to encourage participation in all aspects of health related activities. Post-test survey results demonstrate effectiveness in increasing the number of activities completed weekly and engagement in new opportunities.
Publication Date
Spring 4-8-2024
Faculty Mentor
Sandy Stevens OTD, OTR/L, PhD
Occupational Therapy, School of
Health Sciences & Nursing, Gordon E. Inman College of
Document Type
Scholarly Project
Doctorate of Occupational Therapy (OTD)
Degree Level
Degree Grantor
Belmont University
Health Management, Disabilities, Adults, Participation, Program Development, Health Education
Recommended Citation
Lane, Kaylee M., "Metro Parks Adults with Disabilities - Health management" (2024). OTD Capstone Projects. 163.