"Love Is Complicated: Examining Songs of Love Lost and Won for Soprano " by Margaret Anna Collier

Publication Date

Summer 8-2022


This vocal recital paper will examine songs about relationships. It will focus on songs that feature various kinds of relationships, from romantic relationships that are either reciprocated or one-sided to the relationship between man and nature. The kinds of relationships featured are complex and require an examination of various other factors for each song to uncover the true nature of the relationship that is sung about. The repertoire represented in this paper was carefully and specifically chosen to represent my technical abilities, strengths, and stamina as the performer. These pieces represent an understanding of repertoire that spans several centuries of Western musical history. The composers I have studied are George Handel (1685-1759), Franz Schubert (1797-1828), Charles Gounod (1818-1893), Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848), Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901), Vincenzo Bellini (1801-1835), Claude Debussy (1862-1918), and Amy Beach (1867-1944). I wrote about each of these pieces in detail, with each focus varying from piece to piece as is dictated by the nature of the groupings.

Major Mentor

Dr. Virginia Lamothe, Ph.D

Second Mentor

Ted Wylie, D.M


Music, School of


Music and Performing Arts, College of

Document Type



Master of Music (MM)

Degree Level


Degree Grantor

Belmont University

Collier, Maggie - Grad Recital.pdf (236 kB)
Recital Program
