Teaching Center April Workshops

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Brief June 29 Workshop Description

UDL Action Steps for Our Courses

Presented by Lillian Nave, UDL Coordinator in the Appalachian State University Center for Academic Excellence and host of the ThinkUDL podcast: https://thinkudl.org/ . Dr. Nave’s Bio is available here: https://thinkudl.org/about-think-udl .

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) considers the "what," "how" and "why" of learning as it incorporates scientific insights into how humans learn. During this session, we will include:

  1. a very brief summary of some key UDL points
  2. an emphasis on the Plus-One approach to incorporating UDL ideas (see this short video for an explanation by Lillian Nave of "Plus-One": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkXIfPYtnlE )
  3. some basic ideas about a liquid syllabus
  4. participants sharing ideas they have in mind after experiencing (live or via recording) the April workshop; we encourage you to have your "plus-one" idea at hand during the workshop


This workshop is a follow-up from the April 2021 Workshop entitled "UDL for Teaching and Learning: Faculty & Student Reflection Opportunities."

Click On the blue "Download" button at the top right of this record to view or download a video recording of this workshop.
