Teaching Center April Workshops


Belmont University

Document Type


Presentation Date

Spring 4-28-2021


This session will consist of a series of short Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) presentations by Belmont faculty members from a variety of academic disciplines. The program of presentations is currently in development and will be provided prior to the April 28 session.


Click On the blue "Download" button at the top right of this record to view or download a video recording of this workshop.

View Scott Hawley's presentation "The Joy of 3D 🎉 Visualizations for Teaching about Classification"

Teaching Center SOTL Showcase 4.28.21.pdf (774 kB)
Nelms Presentation Slides

Wrestling with Scripture Presentation, BRC + ACM.pdf (4251 kB)
Conn & Miller Presentation Slides

Scaffolding the Research Paper TC SoTL 4.28.21.pdf (513 kB)
Flynn, Fox, Mills, Shaw, Wiley Presentation Slides

Stop, Collaborate, and Learn!.pdf (3134 kB)
Clauson, Mann, Norton, Pavini & Vanden Noven Presentation Slides

Plummer scholarship presentation.pdf (2483 kB)
Plummer Presentation Slides

Teaching Transition.Busby.pdf (2028 kB)
Busby Presentation Slides

Teaching Center SOTL Showcase 4.28.21.pdf (774 kB)
Duck & Pethel Presentation Slides
