Science University Research Symposium (SURS)
The Effects of Bilingualism on Long-term Memory
Publication Date
Fall 11-2024
Sciences and Mathematics, College of
Psychological Science, Department of
SURS Faculty Advisor
Michael Oliver
Presentation Type
Metadata Only
The current study is designed to examine the relationship between bilingualism and memory performance using a between-subjects experimental approach. During this study, we compared the effect of bilingual and monolingual participants through two-computer based tasks. We are interested in investigating and understanding how bilingualism impacts long-term memory via free recall and recognition as moderators. We expect bilingual people will have higher recall than monolingual people and monolingual people will have higher recognition than bilingual people. Participation will contribute to expanding our knowledge on whether bilingualism serves as a cognitive advantage or presents any challenges in memory tasks.
Recommended Citation
cancio, cesia js; Fall, Zeynab; Ning, Kim; and Feinberg, Will, "The Effects of Bilingualism on Long-term Memory" (2024). Science University Research Symposium (SURS). 168.