"Efficacy and Caregiver Perceptions of Child Passenger Safety Device In" by Michaela Isenberg

OTD Capstone Projects


Purpose: The purpose of this project was to develop a research design for the Special Needs Mobility Program at the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt Rehabilitation Services One Hundred Oaks (MCJCHV).

Outcomes: A research design was developed that could be carried out by the Special Needs Mobility Program, concerning the transportation of children with special healthcare needs. After a written review of the related literature was completed and the research design was developed, all paperwork associated with submission to the International Review Board for Vanderbilt was completed, which included surveys that were designed as outcome measures for the research. Finally, a handout was created to inform caregivers of children serviced by the clinic about the clinic processes and how to care and maintain their specialized transportation device.

Publication Date

Spring 4-14-2020

Faculty Mentor

Sue Iliff


Occupational Therapy, School of


Health Sciences & Nursing, Gordon E. Inman College of

Document Type

Scholarly Project


Doctorate of Occupational Therapy (OTD)

Degree Level


Degree Grantor

Belmont University


transportation, children with special healthcare needs, child passenger safety, caregivers, car seats

Poster Reference List.docx (16 kB)
Reference List
