Honors Scholars Collaborative Projects
Publication Date
Spring 2021
“Sound in Color” is an interactive audio-visual experience designed to explore the relationship between sound, color, and emotions. Taking place on the Massey Concert Hall stage, the project is inspired by synesthesia and incorporates research on color psychology. Participants are invited to select an emotion and color. As the user hums into a microphone, they hear their emotions expressed through sound in their headphones and watch as the lights on stage respond to their vocal cues.
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Doyuen Ko
Document Type
Honors Thesis
Recommended Citation
Rhodes, Amber, "Sound in Color" (2021). Honors Scholars Collaborative Projects. 47.
Touch OSC File
Thesis v2.als (490 kB)
Ableton Live 10 Set
rhodes thesis project.show.gz (5807 kB)
grandMA2 show file
Included in
Audio Arts and Acoustics Commons, Graphics and Human Computer Interfaces Commons, Interactive Arts Commons, Interdisciplinary Arts and Media Commons, Music Therapy Commons, Other Music Commons, Other Neuroscience and Neurobiology Commons