OTD Capstone Projects


This doctoral capstone project was completed with Nashville Dolphins. The Nashville Dolphins offer free learn to swim lessons and swim team programs for children and adults with disabilities at no cost. The organization serves over 300 swimmers in the learn to swim classes and over 100 swimmers on their swim team. The programs are run by volunteers. The focus of this project was to develop programming resources to raise awareness of water safety and the steps for the Nashville Dolphins to help lower statistics of drowning rates. Deliverables provided to the organization include PowerPoint presentation to be sent to parents to increase awareness, a quick reference sheet, a special needs name time and a water safety schedule.

Publication Date

Spring 4-23-2024

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Whitney Dupree


Occupational Therapy, School of


Health Sciences & Nursing, Gordon E. Inman College of

Document Type

Scholarly Project


Doctorate of Occupational Therapy (OTD)

Degree Level


Degree Grantor

Belmont University


adaptive aquatics; Nashville; swim lessons; swim team; inclusive sports; adaptive sports; water safety; disabilities
