Lunch Discussions
Discussions from 2024
Students and Technology In and Out of the Classroom, Doreen Dodgen-Magee
Doreen Dodgen-MageeAre My Students Really Learning?: Equipping Students to Manage Their Own Learning, Mike Pinter, Jennifer Thomas, and George Shannon
Mike Pinter, Jennifer Thomas, and George ShannonSeason: Spring
Understanding and Supporting Autistic Students to Maximize Learning Outcomes, Nicole M. Richard Williams
Nicole M. Richard WilliamsStrategies for Supporting and Maintaining a Collegial Teaching and Learning Culture, Togney Roxa and Roy Anderson
Togney Roxa and Roy AndersonCognitive Exam Wrappers: A Tool for Enhanced Learning and Improved Student Outcomes, Ashley Scism
Ashley ScismTrends in Scholarly Publishing, Claire Walker Wiley and Sue Maszaros
Claire Walker Wiley and Sue MaszarosDiscussions from 2023
The ABCs of Accommodations, Elena Wisniewski and Tara Davis
Elena Wisniewski and Tara DavisSeason: Fall
Generative AI In The Classroom, Jayme Yeo and Geoff Price
Jayme Yeo and Geoff PriceSeason: Fall
Discussions from 2022
Faculty Perspectives on Race for Teaching and Learning, Darcy Fimch, Nancy Riley, Gideon Park, and Douglas Crews
Darcy Fimch, Nancy Riley, Gideon Park, and Douglas CrewsSeason: Winter
Questions to Ask About Our Teaching, Mike Pinter and Pete Giordano
Mike Pinter and Pete GiordanoSeason: Spring
Discussions from 2021
Antiracism Concepts for Enhancing Teaching and Learning, Heather Finch, David Holmes, Richard Hughes, and Sheila Peters
Heather Finch, David Holmes, Richard Hughes, and Sheila PetersSeason: Winter
Strategy and Resilience in Uncertain Times: Ideas for the Classroom, Charmion Gustke, Mary Ellen Pethel, and Mona IveySoto
Charmion Gustke, Mary Ellen Pethel, and Mona IveySotoSeason: Fall
Teaching Innovations: Inspired by the Pandemic and Contemporary Challenges, Mike Pinter
Mike PinterSeason: Spring
Teaching Through Life Challenges, Jonathan Thorndike, Rachel Rigsby, Holly Huddleston, Elizabeth Usman, and Chris Born
Jonathan Thorndike, Rachel Rigsby, Holly Huddleston, Elizabeth Usman, and Chris BornSeason: Winter
Discussions from 2020
Supports for Belmont Students: Connecting With Student Life, Angie Bryant, Melissa Smith, David Sneed, Heather Daugherty, Katherine Cornelius, Maren Bishop, and Janelle Briscoe
Angie Bryant, Melissa Smith, David Sneed, Heather Daugherty, Katherine Cornelius, Maren Bishop, and Janelle BriscoeSeason: Fall
Universal Design: Supporting Learning for Diverse Student Groups, Teresa Plummer, Sally Barton-Arwood, and Danie Contreras
Teresa Plummer, Sally Barton-Arwood, and Danie ContrerasSeason: Fall
Extending Beyond the Classroom: Opportunities for Students During the Pandemic, Tim Stewart, Mary Claire Dismukes, and Jeremy Fyke
Tim Stewart, Mary Claire Dismukes, and Jeremy FykeSeason: Fall