Science University Research Symposium (SURS)
Publication Date
Winter 11-11-2024
Sciences and Mathematics, College of
Biology, Department of
SURS Faculty Advisor
Dr. Darlene Panvini
Presentation Type
Poster Presentation
Plant decomposition plays a critical role in community and ecosystem ecology by recycling minerals and returning nutrients to the soil. The rate of plant decomposition can be impacted by a multitude of factors including chemical composition of the plant, presence of decomposing microorganisms, temperature, and more. This study sought to quantify the effects of sunlight on plant decomposition. In this project, Opuntia humifusa (prickly pear) were placed outside on the Belmont greenroof to decompose in sunny and shaded environments. The plants were collected over a period of 12 weeks, and data on the masses of the decomposing plants was used to calculate the daily decomposition rate as well as the decay constant. Results showed that plants exposed to increased sunlight had a higher rate of decomposition. Future directions for this project include testing this hypothesis with other plant species as well as in additional sunny and shaded environments.
Recommended Citation
George, Paul; Amonette, Elena; Seder, Celine W.; and Massaro, Katherine, "The Effects of Sunlight on the Decomposition Rate of Opuntia humifusa" (2024). Science University Research Symposium (SURS). 190.