Science University Research Symposium (SURS)
Discovering Digital Asset Management
Publication Date
Fall 11-25-2024
Sciences and Mathematics, College of
Math and Computer Science, Department of
SURS Faculty Advisor
Christina Davis
Presentation Type
Oral Presentation
Abstract title
Some consider librarians to be the original data scientists as their career has always been dedicated to collecting, organizing, and storing information. The modern librarian still has to accomplish those tasks but now they must do it on a computer while utilizing a variety of data science techniques. Therefore, Dr. Davis decided to create a course on digital asset management for future librarians or anyone who wants to acquire those skills. As someone who loves libraries but will graduate before this class is ever taught, the best way to experience it was to contribute in its creation and so that is what I did.
First, we researched libraries and their various systems. During this process, I studied the wide variety of organizational formats for information storage from Dewey Decimal to MARC21 and discovered that major library associations, like the Library of Congress, want to store their information in linked data format in the future. Hence, I honed my research in on the concept of linked data, as well as related constructs like RDF and Dublin Core. I next used Python to create linked data and RDF graphs based on it. Finally, I built a simple website to showcase linked data that would also give future students taking the class a template for their own final projects.
Additionally I learned about APIs which are often used in with digital storage. For an example API use for students, I wrote a Google Colab notebook which explains how to collect information on songs from Spotify’s API.
Recommended Citation
Brown, Elissa M., "Discovering Digital Asset Management" (2024). Science University Research Symposium (SURS). 165.