Science University Research Symposium (SURS)

The Impact of Multimodal Presentation and Stress on Memory Recall

Publication Date



Sciences and Mathematics, College of


Psychological Science, Department of

SURS Faculty Advisor

Michael Oliver

Presentation Type

Metadata Only


Previous research has shown that various factors can impact information retention. This study aims to examine the effects of three common factors on memory recall: the mode of information presentation, stress levels, and physiological factors (e.g., blood pressure and oxygen saturation). To investigate these relationships, participants were tested on memory recall using visual, auditory, and combined presentation modes. They also completed the Perceived Stress Scale, and their blood pressure and oxygen saturation levels were measured. It is expected that combined visual and auditory presentation modes will be associated with the greatest recall scores, followed by visual presentation, then auditory. It is also predicted that stress levels and blood pressure will be negatively correlated with recall scores, while oxygen saturation will be positively correlated with recall scores. The findings from this study will help add to the literature about memory and the factors that influence it.

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