Science University Research Symposium (SURS)
Publication Date
Sciences and Mathematics, College of
Psychological Science, Department of
SURS Faculty Advisor
Dr. Adam Smiley
Presentation Type
Poster Presentation
Looking at familial relationships, specifically between sibling dynamics, has been focused on in many different angles in the field of psychology. Psychologists seek to understand the relationships between siblings, and how the relationships affect their bond, personality, and social life. Past studies have shown that siblings do tend to bounce off of each other, such as older sibling control having more of an effect in conflicts rather than in intimacy (Tucker & Updegraff). We hypothesized that the oldest siblings would clean up after themselves or not make a mess, middle children would clean up after themselves, the youngest would make a mess and leave, and only children would clean up after themselves. The participant sample is 60 introductory to psychology students who participated in this study to receive credit in their courses. The study should only take thirty minutes. They will first be brought into a room and be asked to watch a fifteen minute episode of Spongebob while eating a nature valley granola bar. We are measuring the amount of crumbs left behind by each individual and which sibling they are. Afterward, they will be given a short demographics survey and a questionnaire containing the BFI items, Responsibility Manifesto items, Self-Responsibility scale, and Social Responsibility Scale. Afterwards we will debrief them on the true nature of our study. Results will be presented at SURS.
Recommended Citation
Wilson, Micah D.; Richmond, Ashely; Sells, Emma; Major, Scovs; and Collins, Waldron, "Does Birth Order Have an Effect on an Individual’s Conscientiousness?" (2023). Science University Research Symposium (SURS). 140.