The Black Book Project


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Janet Ayers Academic Center 4094

Event Website

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Start Date

30-9-2021 5:00 PM

End Date

30-9-2021 5:50 PM


If you think back to your favorite books from your childhood, which titles come to
mind? Why did those particular books resonate so deeply with you? For many young
readers, being able to see themselves reflected in the main characters strikes a deep
chord. Reading books with representations of students’ own cultures can contribute
to self-worth within children, while allowing them to connect with themselves and
their culture on a deeper level. I launched the Black Book Project to address the lack of
cultural representation in children’s literature.


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Sep 30th, 5:00 PM Sep 30th, 5:50 PM

The Black Book Project

Janet Ayers Academic Center 4094

If you think back to your favorite books from your childhood, which titles come to
mind? Why did those particular books resonate so deeply with you? For many young
readers, being able to see themselves reflected in the main characters strikes a deep
chord. Reading books with representations of students’ own cultures can contribute
to self-worth within children, while allowing them to connect with themselves and
their culture on a deeper level. I launched the Black Book Project to address the lack of
cultural representation in children’s literature.