"Fever Dream" by Hayden Tumlin

Honors Scholars Collaborative Projects

Fever Dream

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Publication Date



Fever Dream has gone through a series of changes since the start of its creation. What was originally intended on being a thirteen-track album to be commercially released has now become an eight-track portfolio that will, at least not in its current state, be released commercially. This was due to the nature of taking on an extensive project as a newer engineer working with anewer artist –as we went through the beginning stages of creation (tracking, editing, and the first few mixes), the artist’s sound changed in such a way that required more extensive programming to support the recorded files, which was something that could not be done withinmy project’s timeline. Because of this, I decided to trim away songs that I felt needed more programming and work done and pick eight songs that would showcase my abilities and the artist’s songwriting.

Document Type

Honors Thesis

Fever Dream.zip (271268 kB)
Fever Dream Audio Tracks

Tumlin_HonThesis_Reflection.pdf (551 kB)
Reflection Paper

This document is currently not available here.
