"A Call To Create: Poetry As Healing and One Nurse’s Self-Discovery" by Kim Cornett Henry and Kim Cornett Henry

Date of Award

Fall 12-17-2021


Florence Nightingale’s vision for nursing has changed greatly in the past one hundred and fifty years, with nursing’s identity replaced with an emphasis on science over caring. The fast-paced, technologically sophisticated environments, designed to meet the declining health of an American public, have resulted in nurses who are being pulled away from nurse-to-patient caring acts and the reasons they felt called to become nurses. These changes have had detrimental psychological and emotional effects on nurses and are especially evident in Intensive Care nurses. Expressive writing as poetry, autoethnography, and participation in vibrant writing communities offer nurses experiences for healing, voice, and empowerment, as evidenced in the personal work of the author.


Dr. Amy Hodges Hamilton

Committee Member 1

Dr. Amy Hodges Hamilton

Committee Member 2

Dr. Sarah Blomeley

Committee Member 3

Dr. Heather Finch


English, Department of


Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, College of

Document Type



Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Level


Degree Grantor

Belmont University
