DNP Scholarly Projects
Academic self-efficacy and coping capability impact student persistence. Nursing education programs can identify students' experiences to encourage students to persist and potentially impact the national nursing pipeline. More research was needed to examine the relationships between entering nursing student demographics, academic self-efficacy, and student coping capability. First-semester prelicensure nursing students (N = 240) were surveyed to determine any significant relationship between perceived academic self-efficacy and perceived coping capability using a quasiexperimental, descriptive, correlational design. Based on the Nursing Universal Retention and Success (NURS) model, the project investigated the relationships between student profile characteristics, student affective factors, academic outcomes, and professional integration factors. Academic self-efficacy described effort and motivation; coping capability described actions taken to reduce the effects of stressful situations; and professional integration factors described faculty and peer mentorship. Using the NURS model, students were classified as "traditional" or "nontraditional" (non-White, male, primary caregiver, English-as-additional-language speaker, or 25+). Analysis demonstrated traditional students (n = 62/M = 3.65) reported higher GPAs than nontraditional (n = 176/M = 3.53) students (p = .002) and insufficient evidence of significant differences in professional integration factors, coping capability, and academic self-efficacy scores. The project also noted the lower but not statistically significant professional integration factor scores for nontraditional students. Project results reflect consistency with the literature of lower entering GPAs for nontraditional nursing students. Nontraditional students entering the nursing program with lower GPAs may benefit from increased activities to promote professional integration, such as peer-peer mentoring.
Spring 4-14-2022
First Advisor
Dr. Linda Wofford
Scholarly Project Team Member
Dr. David Phillippi
Scholarly Project Team Member
Dr. Sandy Murabito
Scholarly Project Team Member
Dr. Angela Lane
Nursing, School of
Health Sciences & Nursing, Gordon E. Inman College of
Document Type
Scholarly Project
Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP)
Degree Level
Degree Grantor
Belmont University
Nursing students, nursing education, academic self-efficacy, coping capability, professional integration, GPA, NURS model, peer mentoring
Recommended Citation
Charlton, Amy, "Relationship Between Perceived Coping Capability and Levels of Academic Self-Efficacy in First Year Prelicensure Nursing Students" (2022). DNP Scholarly Projects. 65.