"Decreasing CLABSI Among Cancer Patients: Daily Observed Chlorhexidine " by Cody Tripp

DNP Scholarly Projects


Background: Research suggests that daily bathing with chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) among cancer patients can decrease rates of central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI). Literature supports the premise that the highest rates of patient compliance using CHG baths occurs with direct RN assistance or observation of the bath. Methods: Nurses employed on a hematology/oncology unit in Middle Tennessee were surveyed about their perception of how many CHG bath were not occurring on a given day and then educated via an online module, on the efficacy of daily CHG baths. Approximately two months after the preliminary survey and educational module, RNs were surveyed again to measure whether RN perception of bath occurrences had changed. Nurses were also surveyed about barriers they felt inhibited them from assisting with or observing patients perform daily CHG baths. Results: 13 participants responded to the preliminary survey and 11 participants responded to the post-educational survey. A Mann-Whitney test indicated there was no significant change in the nurses’ perception of bath occurrences among the patients on the unit (U = 70.5, p = .0955). Barriers identified by the participants included RN workload and patient perception in over 50% of the nurses’ responses. Conclusion: The findings of this study support the concept that education, specifically virtual education, may be ineffective in decreasing CLABSI among cancer patients through daily observed CHG baths. Additional research may be performed to further impact CLABSI rates among cancer patients based on barriers identified in the literature which were reinforced by this study.


Spring 4-15-2021

First Advisor

Dr. Steven Busby

Scholarly Project Team Member

Dr. Lucyellen Dahlgren

Scholarly Project Team Member

Dr. David Phillippi


Nursing, School of


Health Sciences & Nursing, Gordon E. Inman College of

Document Type

Scholarly Project


Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Degree Level


Degree Grantor

Belmont University


cancer patient, central line-associated bloodstream infection, CLABSI, chlorhexidine-gluconate, CHG bath, immunocompromised

Included in

Nursing Commons
