"Religious Coping and Christ-Centered Recovery for Women with Substance" by Mary Beth Bever

DNP Scholarly Projects


Women have unique risk factors for the development of substance use disorder (SUD), barriers to SUD treatment, and risk factors for SUD relapse that require holistic care models and provide trauma-informed care approaches that address effective coping strategies. The use of religion and spirituality has been commonplace in many SUD programs to inspire the use of positive religious coping; however, negative religious coping may also be drawn on which poses a potential harm for women with SUD. The aim of this project was to assess for a correlation in positive and negative religious coping scores and program completion rates in a sample of women presenting for 30-day residential SUD treatment. This was a retrospective chart review that reviewed 100 charts of women who presented for SUD treatment between August 1st, 2018 and December 17th, 2018. Information gathered was relevant demographic and medical history, program completion status, and religious coping scores via the Brief RCOPE. All women had a history of trauma and approximately half of the woman completed the program. The women used positive religious coping at a higher rate than negative religious coping and there was no significant correlation between Brief RCOPE scores and program completion rates. While this is one of the only studies that have assessed religious coping scores and program completion rates, the other findings describing the sample correlate with relevant studies. More research is needed to deepen the understanding of how women with SUD use religious coping in the course of treatment.



First Advisor

Dr. Elizabeth Morse

Scholarly Project Team Member

Dr. Steve Busby

Scholarly Project Team Member

Dr. Tracy Frame

Scholarly Project Team Member

Emily Kohal

Scholarly Project Team Member

Dr. David Phillipi


Nursing, School of


Health Sciences & Nursing, Gordon E. Inman College of

Document Type

Scholarly Project


Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Degree Level


Degree Grantor

Belmont University


women, substance use disorder/addiction, recovery, religious coping, trauma, program completion
