Belmont University Research Symposium (BURS)
Publication Date
Spring 2024
Health Sciences & Nursing, Gordon E. Inman College of
Social Work, Department of
BURS Faculty Advisor
Sabrina Sullenberger
Presentation Type
Oral Presentation
Title thirty-nine passed in Tennessee in 1989 made the possession of child pornography through various mediums illegal and regarded a felony. Artificial Intelligence in the form of computer-generated images are not included in this list of prosecutable mediums as it had not been created at the time of the law’s passing. Bill HB2163, recently passed, requested an amendment to Title thirty-nine to include computer-generated images of child pornography to this list of enforceable mediums. We support this bill and are grateful it passed in the time we spent researching and advocating for it. As social workers, this bill supports the dignity and worth of individuals and uses social justice to do what is morally right. This bill protects a group of people who cannot protect themselves, children. As social workers, we must stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. In our quickly advancing world with technology, this bill helps to combat the ever-changing advancements made in the digital space. This paper will address what artificial intelligence is, why HB2163 is important to the call of social justice, and recommendations to further the safety of children in the United States.
Recommended Citation
Carlson, Kalee; Evans, Grace; Palermo, Mark; and Sotir, Allison, "Policy Analysis: HB 2163" (2024). Belmont University Research Symposium (BURS). 490.