Belmont University Research Symposium (BURS)

Publication Date

Spring 3-29-2024


Sciences and Mathematics, College of


Chemistry and Physics, Department of

BURS Faculty Advisor


Presentation Type

Oral Presentation


The development of new drugs and their repurposing have considerably benefited the field of pharmacy. It will not only affect the pharmaceutical sector but also its diverse facets of health will be significantly influenced. Yet, the development of innovative medical treatments necessitated a lengthy period of expectancy for human survival. Individual survival rates were decreasing over time before the development of the treatment. Humanity has a limited lifespan. Moreover, investments in new drugs often go unnoticed because of the prolonged and complex process of drug research and development (R&D). In the future of pharmacy, artificial intelligence will continue to have an integral part in data analysis and therapeutic outcome optimization. With the assistance of AI, numerous facets of the pharmacy industry—including medication management, drug discovery, and streamlined operations—are being programmed, enhanced, and customized. This research will emphasize the use of artificial intelligence as an instrument for advancing drug discovery, improving therapeutic outcomes, minimizing expenses, and strengthening both the precision and effectiveness of various pharmacy practices. Compared to the prior system that relied on human expertise and traditional procedures, the new artificial intelligence pharmacy system automates common tasks, creates personalized treatment methods, reduces expenses, and promotes patient results. Further, the study will address the necessity it is to guarantee that AI is used ethically and responsibly and thoroughly evaluate how it will affect the community in general as well as the workforce. Improved precision and productivity in patient care are the fundamental advantages of integrating AI into particular pharmacy applications. All things considered, this study will provide an in-depth analysis of the prospects of the pharmacy industry, as well as the significant implications that artificial intelligence may have on it.
