Belmont University Research Symposium (BURS)

Social Determinants of Health and the Utilization of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Among Female Undergraduate Students

Publication Date

Spring 2023


Health Sciences & Nursing, Gordon E. Inman College of


Public Health, Department of

BURS Faculty Advisor

Dr. Christian Williams

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation


College-aged females in the U.S. face a disproportionate burden of negative sexual and reproductive health (SRH) outcomes and low utilization of SRH services, especially those in Southern states. In addition, female undergraduate students experience fluctuating social determinants of health (SDoH) as they transition to adulthood, which have been shown to fuel disparities in SRH outcomes. This cross-sectional study assessed the relationship between SDoH and the utilization of SRH services among 60 female undergraduate students aged 18-25 years who were currently enrolled at Belmont University in the fall 2022 semester. Findings indicate that LGBTQ+ female undergraduate students are more likely to report utilizing SRH services in the past year as compared to their heterosexual counterparts based on a Phi coefficient (φ) =.237, sig = .075, p<.10. Female undergraduate students who work full- or part-time are also more likely than unemployed students to report utilizing SRH services in the past year based on a Phi coefficient (φ) =.310, sig = .02, p<.05. Yet, due to cost, females that maintain part-time and full-time jobs while attending college are more likely to report not seeing a doctor in the past year. These results can inform interventions that mitigate the influences of employment status and sexual orientation to improve the SRH behavior of female undergraduate students across college campuses.

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