Science University Research Symposium (SURS)
Publication Date
Sciences and Mathematics, College of
Psychological Science, Department of
SURS Faculty Advisor
Adam Smiley
Presentation Type
Oral Presentation
Existing research indicates that extraversion is positively correlated with high levels of self-disclosure (Tang et al., 2022; Loiacono et al., 2012), while research on extraversion in online contexts suggests that extraversion is negatively correlated with self-disclosure (D’Agata et al., 2021; Caci et al., 2019). However, introversion influences low levels of self-disclosure in offline friendships (Battle et al., 2024). Self-disclosure reciprocity refers to the process where a person shares personal information in response to another’s disclosure, matching both in depth and level of intimacy (Derlega et al., 1973). Research has yet to explore how initiation of self-disclosure influences reciprocity differently in extraverted and introverted individuals. Thus, the purpose of this current project is to examine the relationship between reciprocity and self-disclosure, as well as the roles of extraversion and introversion as moderators of the relationship. Data was collected through a survey in which participants answered questions from the Big 5 Inventory 2 Extra Short Questionnaire (John & Soto, 2015) and the Willingness to Self-Disclose Questionnaire created by the research team. As preliminary analyses, correlations were run between all continuous study variables to allow us to determine if any demographic variable will need to be controlled for in the main analyses. It was hypothesized that reciprocity will have a positive correlation with willingness to self-disclose and that extraversion and introversion will not significantly moderate the relationship between self-disclosure and reciprocity. To test Hypothesis 1, a multiple linear regression analysis was conducted, with the variable reciprocity predicting the dependent variable, willingness to self-disclose. For hypothesis 2, a multiple linear regression analysis was conducted to look at the interaction between extraversion/introversion and willingness to self-disclosure. Results will be presented at SURS.
Recommended Citation
Muhsin, Heba; Gergies, Marina; Briefki, Veen; and Newborn, KaNiyah, "Tell Me Yours, I’ll Tell You Mine: Reciprocity and self-disclosure among extroverts and introverts" (2024). Science University Research Symposium (SURS). 210.