Science University Research Symposium (SURS)
Publication Date
Fall 11-30-2023
Sciences and Mathematics, College of
Biology, Department of
SURS Faculty Advisor
Darlene Panvini
Presentation Type
Poster Presentation
Green roofs can play a role in CO2 absorption and temperature modulation in urban areas as a means of countering the impacts of climate change and heat effects due to urbanization. While diverse plants can be found on green roofs, the different role they play in mediating these effects is not clear. This study, using constructed polyethylene tents around plants and bare soil sites, measured atmospheric CO2, soil temperature, relative humidity and air temperature for four species of plants located on Belmont University’s green roofs. The species were Sulfur Cosmos, Yucca, Hairawn Muhly, and Goldenrod. Three species, Yucca, Hairawn Muhly and Goldenrod, demonstrated lower rates of atmospheric CO2 and lower soil temperatures whereas Sulfur Cosmos demonstrated no difference in these conditions. Studies such as these can aid in providing information on the best species to utilize on green roofs in order to combat climate change and heat island effects.
Recommended Citation
Fumarola, Matthew L.; Balire, Clema; and Panvini, Darlene, "CO2 Sequestration and Temperature Modulation by Plants on Green Roofs" (2023). Science University Research Symposium (SURS). 124.