Presenter Information

Noel Boyle, Belmont UniversityFollow


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Janet Ayers Academic Center 4094

Presentation Type


Start Date

16-9-2019 11:00 AM

End Date

16-9-2019 11:50 AM


Dr. Boyle will use the historical event of the moon landing as a backdrop for exploring the relationship between science and the humanities. He will explore the nature of science and humanities, arguing that the two are better understood as overlapping parts of an integrated endeavor than as distinct intellectual discourses.


Monteverde Plenary Address

Introduction by Dr. Marcia McDonald

noel-boyle-monteverde-lecture-2019.wav (569697 kB)
WAV file, archival-quality recording


Sep 16th, 11:00 AM Sep 16th, 11:50 AM

Science as One of the Humanities: The Moon Landing as Case Study

Janet Ayers Academic Center 4094

Dr. Boyle will use the historical event of the moon landing as a backdrop for exploring the relationship between science and the humanities. He will explore the nature of science and humanities, arguing that the two are better understood as overlapping parts of an integrated endeavor than as distinct intellectual discourses.