[Archive] Belmont University Research Symposium (BURS)
Publication Date
Sciences and Mathematics, College of
Psychological Science, Department of
BURS Faculty Advisor
Adam Smiley
Presentation Type
Oral Presentation
Previous literature has suggested an inverted U relationship between hours worked and life satisfaction, with those who work more closely to 40 hours a week showing greater life satisfaction. Overtime work hours are associated with increased stress, fatigue,m and greater family-interference which can be detrimental to mental health. Furthermore, previous literature suggests that mental disorders are highly linked to life satisfaction. However, previous literature has focused on factors such as sex and specific occupations, with worker’s preference being . Therefore, we found a gap in the literature when investigating if specific countries who, on average, had longer work weeks had lower levels of life satisfaction and higher occurrence rates of mental disorders. To investigate the effects of long-working hours on mental health and life-satisfaction per country, data were extracted from various Our World in Data databases. Results from this study are still currently being analyzed, but we expect that countries with employees who, on average, work over the normal 40-hour week will have higher rates of mental disorders and lower levels of life satisfaction.
Recommended Citation
Dabdoub, Khalil Dabdoub and Graham, Jill, "Does How Much You Work Matter?" (2023). [Archive] Belmont University Research Symposium (BURS). 329.