[Archive] Belmont University Research Symposium (BURS)

Publication Date



Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, College of


Political Science, Department of

BURS Faculty Advisor

Nathan Griffith

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation


There is a relatively common libertarian belief that the United States Madisonian system of government serves the interests of liberties in ways other than the separation of powers or its explicitly enumerated rights and liberties. This belief stands as a rebuttal to efforts geared towards increasing governmental efficiency by arguing that their current failure to produce, enact and enforce a legislative output great enough to please critics actually serves the greater interest of the American people by preventing tyranny.

In this study I will be testing whether governmental efficiency has a negative impact on the levels of individual liberties those living under said government are able to experience. This question remains significant in US politics as questions surrounding the effectiveness of our political system have remained a strong topic of scholarly debate. Many Americans find themselves upset with the current performance of their legislative branch, for instance, believing it does little to solve issues ranging from gun violence, the rising cost of living, and the protection of argued reproductive rights. If more efficient governments trend more oppressive, however, this desire for greater effectiveness may be misguided.
