[Archive] Belmont University Research Symposium (BURS)
Social Media's Effect On Mental Health During COVID-19
Publication Date
Sciences and Mathematics, College of
Psychological Science, Department of
BURS Faculty Advisor
Adam Smiley
Presentation Type
Oral Presentation
During the COVID-19 pandemic, social media usage increased throughout the world. We decided to explore and study how social media affected our society's mental health during the pandemic. We have pulled data from a study conducted by St. Xavier’s College in India (Gupta & Ganguly, 2021). The data we are using took 136 respondents to participate in a questionnaire given by the researchers to access how social media had affected them throughout the pandemic. Our project addresses this issue because we are analyzing data to find potential relationships between factors Gupta and Ganguly addressed in their questionnaires, for example, age in relation to the effect social media has on mental health. We hypothesize that social media had a negative impact on mental health during the pandemic. Our study will look at age, gender, and social media sites used to determine the impact social media has on mental health. We will run various tests on the data set to determine the relationships between our variables and any impact they may contribute to mental health challenges due to social media use. This research is applicable in the larger world because it will help us better understand how time spent on social media impacts our well-being. Results, presented in BURS, from this research can help improve mental health worldwide in our relationships with social media.
Recommended Citation
Kershner, Hannah; Semones, Krista B.; and Ryan, Kailey, "Social Media's Effect On Mental Health During COVID-19" (2023). [Archive] Belmont University Research Symposium (BURS). 191.