[Archive] Belmont University Research Symposium (BURS)

Publication Date

Spring 2022


Watkins College of Art


Art, Department of

BURS Faculty Advisor

Katie Mitchell

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation


New Myths and My Religion
Pallas Lane Umbra
Faculty Advisor: Katie Mitchell

As every civilization has had its myth and legends, this creative thesis project introduces a new mythology. This world is born of our own, shaped by the experience of growing up queer in the Appalachian South. There is a specific exploration of love, rage, and spirituality. Inspired by Greco-Roman mythology while also reflecting on personal experience, this body of work shares a visual, symbolic language that is interpretable; one myth can tell many stories. Along with this new iconography, the work strips the viewer of ease and comfort by collapsing space and forcing the viewer to confront color at its existence. As the project progressed, an emphasis on toil in craft reinforced that this work expresses an acutely personal investigation, both internal and external.
