Honors Scholars Collaborative Projects

Publication Date

Spring 4-12-2021


Over the last year, due to the pandemic of COVID-19, I have had a novel opportunity to spend much of my time and energy reflecting on my connection to femininity. Across social media platforms, individuals have shared their own personal reflections about gender and this content has led me to think deeply about what femininity and masculinity mean to me. There are feminine norms and behaviors I identify with, and other conventions that I reject. Additionally, I admire forms of feminine expressions, but feel like I neither physically nor mentally can achieve them. The more time I spent with this idea, the more I realized I had been struggling with it a really long time. Specifically, I had been trying to conform my expression to certain feminine ideals. I decided to use photography to explore the roots of these beliefs in order to better understand how they had manifested in my own life. To reflect on this entire process, I will present photographic bodies of work by other artists that influenced my own work, discuss the technical and thematic elements in my photographs, and finally, explain my decision to make this project into an artbook in order to extend its personal nature.

Faculty Advisor

Christine Rogers

Document Type

Honors Thesis

betsyblack_thesisreflectiveessay.pdf (895 kB)

betsyblacksignedthesispaper.pdf (53 kB)
Signed Coversheet
