Science University Research Symposium (SURS)
Using lichens as bioindicators to assess the impacts of nutrient deposition and urbanization in Nashville, TN
Publication Date
Sciences and Mathematics, College of
SURS Faculty Advisor
Matthew Heard
Presentation Type
Poster Presentation
Lichen species have been used as bioindicators for over a century due to their sensitivity to pollution and urbanization. For example, nitrogen and sulfur compounds can hinder lichen metabolism while urban imperviousness and development can restrict available green spaces. Because lichens continue to be found in polluted areas we set out to investigate how contemporary air pollution and urbanization in Tennessee may be impacting lichen presence and diversity. To assess this, we examined how different lichen functional groups and species are impacted by nitrogen and sulfur deposition and urban imperviousness across Tennessee. Using this approach, we found that nitrogen and sulfur deposition limited the presence of the most sensitive functional groups of lichens. Interestingly, however we found that there was an opposite effect when we looked at urban imperviousness. Collectively, our findings suggest that lichen functional groups are accurate predictors of urban air pollution, but that development alone is not.
Recommended Citation
Williams, Zoe; Weatherspoon, Kaitlyn; and Heard, Matthew, "Using lichens as bioindicators to assess the impacts of nutrient deposition and urbanization in Nashville, TN" (2024). Science University Research Symposium (SURS). 226.