DNP Scholarly Projects
Scholarly Projects from 2024
An Undergraduate Baccalaureate Simulation on Weight Bias and Caring for a Patient with Obesity, Kathy Andrews
The Effect of Skin Tone Inclusive Dermatology Education on Diagnostic Accuracy and Self-Confidence in Graduate Nursing Students, Kaylyn Bourne and Laura Gray
Student Veterans’ Transition to Nursing Education: Barriers and Facilitators, Bruce P. Hunter, Steven Busby Dr., Jeannie Giese Dr., and David Phillippi Dr.
Promoting Mental Health and Well-being Among Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Practice Guideline, Armen Mailyan
African American Women’s Perceptions of a Group Based, Diabetic Medical Nutritional Therapy Intervention: A Qualitative Study, Megan McMahon and Laura Gray
Increasing Faculty Knowledge of Competency-Based Education: A Quality Improvement Project, Lindsay O'Sullivan
The Impact of an Educational Video on Physician Confidence and Comfort Level in Discussing Autopsies, Joy N. Owings, Laura Gray, and David Phillippi
"Salir Adelante": Improving the Quality of School Entrance Physicals for Immigrant Minors, Jennifer Sternberg and Elizabeth Morse
Implementation of a Standardized Suicide Screening Process in a University Student Health Clinic: A Quality Improvement Project, Addie Grace Strong, Kathryn Dambrino, R. David Phillippi, and Linda Wofford
Playing it Sun Safe: A Quality Improvement Project, Sarah P. Tarr, Kathryn K. Dambrino, R. David Phillippi, and Ashley Karpinos
Advancing Health Equity on Campus A Minority Health Promotion Quality Improvement Initiative, Natasha Wilson
Scholarly Projects from 2023
Women's Stories of Reaching a Diagnosis of Endometriosis: A Qualitative Study, Susan C. Debolt
Implementation of a Rounding Tool to Promote Compliance with Central Line Dressing Changes in an Adult Intensive Care Unit, Fabiola Demuth
Culturally Sensitive Emergency Care for Sexual and Gender Minority Youth, Kaysi Goodall
Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Uptake Among Hispanic/Latino Patients: A Quality Improvement Initiative, Erick Hernandez Campos, Elizabeth Morse, and David Phillippi
Early Progressive Mobility in the MICU: A QI Project, Kenneth Johnson
Exploring the Barriers, Facilitators, and Experiences Among Individuals Enrolled in Medication-Assisted Treatment in Middle Tennessee, Marylu J. Joseph
Impact of TeamSTEPPS on Team Performance in an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Practice, Katherine E. Lee
Exploring Factors Influencing Nursing Engagement in 4Ms Initiatives on an Inpatient Older Adult Unit, Sarah Nelson
Learn, Reflect, Practice, Discuss: A Professional Development Pilot for Clinical Nurse Educators, Jessica Savage, Linda Wofford Dr., and David Phillippi Dr.
Defining Success in Patient Care Technician Development, Ferrol A. Thomas
Exploring HAPI Incidence in Patients Admitted Through the ED: A Quality Improvement Initiative, Alexa L. Tietgens
Perceptions of Preparedness Among New Graduate Nurses: Traditional Curriculum Versus Concept-Based Curriculum, Ashley A. Wheeler, Steven Busby, David Phillippi, and Tammy Legge
Scholarly Projects from 2022
A Quality Improvement Project to Improve Patients' Satisfaction with Telemedicine Use in the General Hematology-Oncology Setting, Jeneth Aquino
Perception of the Benefits of an Interprofessional Communication Offering Among Nurse Residents, Emily Fritz
COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake Among College Students, Erin Hoening, Elizabeth Morse, David Phillippi, and Krystal Huesmann
Nurses' Implicit Attitudes Regarding the LGBTQ Population, Carolyn Howard
Belmont University COVID Surveillance and Containment: An Evaluation of Program Effectiveness, Morgan A. Lambrecht
Examining Nurse Engagement in Antimicrobial Stewardship at Long-Term Care Facilities, Mosam S. Patel, Kathryn L. Dambrino, Olivia Bahemuka, and David Phillippi
Compassion Satisfaction, Burnout, and Secondary Traumatic Stress Among Heart Transplant Nurses in a Hospital Setting, Marissa Potts
Psychological Safety in Pre-licensure Nursing Simulation, Lauren Rickman
A Peer-Led Evidence-Based Contraceptive Counseling Initiative, Megan K. Tenbarge
Interprofessional Socialization of Nursing Students After Participating in Interdisciplinary Rounds in an Intensive Care Unit, Ashlyn S. Upshaw
Adverse Childhood Experiences Screening in Adulthood: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Self-efficacy Among Tennessee Nurse Practitioners, Megan M. Wanca
Examining Perceived Stress and Diet Quality Among Low-Income Families Engaged with a Nutrition-Based Food Assistance Program, Kelsey R. Wolfe, Kathryn L. Dambrino, David Phillippi, and Laura Gray
Scholarly Projects from 2021
Examining Health Disparities Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer/Questioning Adults in Davidson County, Tennessee, Samantha Anticuar
RN Perception of Resources, Communication, and Leadership during COVID-19 and the Impact on RN Satisfaction and Turnover in a Multi-hospital System, Gina Bullington
Assessment of Postpartum Nurses' Knowledge and Teaching Habits Of Maternal Morbidity and Mortality, Mikayla Dodson
Self-Reliance and Self-Efficacy as Determinants of Mental Health Treatment Seeking Intention in a Sample of Student Service Members/Veterans, Leigh Holdsambeck
Debriefing Among Hospice Professionals During a Pandemic, Holly Knott
Impact of a Telephone-Based Care Management Program on Health Outcomes for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension, Abbegail Miller
Exploring the Impact of Care Delivery on Families of Children with Medical Complexity, Shelby Pawlowski
The health impact of intensive case management on women with OUD and their infants, Shannon Rappe
Integrating Contraception Counseling in a Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Setting: A Quality Improvement Project, Allison Stepuszek
Opioid Overdose Prevention and Naloxone Training Among College Students, Mackenzie Thode
A Quality Improvement Project to Improve Communication and Reduce Hospital Readmissions, Mackenzie Thomas
Decreasing CLABSI Among Cancer Patients: Daily Observed Chlorhexidine Gluconate Baths, Cody Tripp
Triage Process in Primary Care Clinics, Ashley Vasilik
Integrating the Concept of Trauma into an Undergraduate Nursing Curriculum, Jacey Walker
Scholarly Projects from 2020
Community of Immunity: A Process Improvement to Increase Influenza Vaccination Uptake, Macy Ball
Reproductive Health Needs Among Women in Treatment for Substance Use Disorder, Jaanki Bhakta, Elizabeth Morse, and David Phillippi
Shared Decision Making and Decisional Conflict in Women with Postpartum Depression, Leslie Binford, Elizabeth Morse, David Phillippi, and Emily Pardy
Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Renal Transplantation in Individuals Undergoing Transplant Evaluation, Cassandra Bruns, Jeannie Giese, David Phillippi, Deonna Moore, and Elizabeth Hall
A Comparison of Attitudes Toward the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Populations, Jacqueline Floyd
Public Stigma and Self-Stigma of Depression in College Students, Peyton Lee
Attitudes Towards End-of-life Care: An Educational Intervention in Long-term Care, Nicole Mullen, Jeannie Giese, David Phillippi, and Lucyellen Dahlgren
HPV Vaccination Knowledge, Attitudes, and Uptake in College Nursing Students, Joanna Marie Plumb, Jeannie Giese, Martha Buckner, David Phillippi, and Robin Cobb
Predictors of barriers to participation in clinical research in adults living in the Southeastern United States, Jennifer Scanlon
Scholarly Projects from 2019
Religious Coping and Christ-Centered Recovery for Women with Substance Use Disorders, Mary Beth Bever
Stress and Coping in Hospice Care, Elyse L. Collier
Mortality Influenced by Sepsis Bundle Compliance and Initial Lactic Acid in Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock, Evelyn George
Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Pain Interference and Anxiety in an Integrative Chronic Pain Clinic, Kerrin Doran Kunze
Responding to Opioid Use Disorder: Identifying the Therapeutic Commitment of Maine Nurse Practitioners, Jordan S. Porter
Self-Care and Burnout among Nurses in a Hospital Setting, Hannah Stirnaman
Contraception utilization among women, ages 18-45, receiving medication assisted therapy for opioid use disorder in middle Tennessee, Kerry J. Ternes
Scholarly Projects from 2018
The Impact of In-Home Lactation Support on Breastfeeding Self-efficacy, Duration, and Exclusivity, Kristian Beach
Simulation as a Clinical Remediation Strategy for Undergraduate Nursing Students, Sara Camp
Evidence-driven Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Urinary Tract Infections in Long-term Care, Morgan K. Clouse
Evaluation of Intimate Partner Violence Screening in a Metropolitan Public Health Department, Niani Conerly
The Impact of Antibiotic Stewardship Education on Parental Care Satisfaction and Follow-up, Paige Ferguson
An Analysis of Factors Which Affect Self-Management in Language-Diverse Patients with Type 2 Diabetes, Sarah Hayden
Fear-Avoidance Beliefs in Patients with Acute Low Back Pain, Kayla Heldman
Comparing the Effects of Immersion Service Learning and Local Service Learning in Pre-Licensure Health Care Students’ Transcultural Self-Efficacy, Kimberly Johnson
Foster Youth Transition to Adulthood: Effects of Housing Stability and Social Support on Mental Health, Elizabeth Gray Kaiser
Exploring the Perceived Barriers to Long-Acting Reversible Contraception in Women who are in Treatment for Opioid Addiction, Carleigh Smith
Compassion Fatigue as it Relates to Nurse Turnover in Oncology Nurses at an Urban Hospital, Diana Wells-English
Scholarly Projects from 2017
Developing a Guideline Driven Provider-to-Provider Handoff Tool for Heart Failure Patients, Nicole Dellise
Provider Referral of Patients with Acute Low Back Pain to Physical Therapy: Implications for Outcomes and Costs, Corinne Griggs
The Effect of Mindfulness Meditation on Perceived Stress and Total Health Care Cost, Rachel Hale
A Quality Improvement Project to Improve Blood Specimen Acceptance Rates in an Emergency Department, Christian Hankins
Exploring Affects of Critical Care Work Environments on Professional Quality of Life, Marissa Monroe
Scholarly Projects from 2016
Public Access to Naloxone: Exploring Intention to Prescribe Among Tennessee Nurse Practitioners, Kathryn L. Dambrino
Breastfeeding Intention within a Rural Postpartum Population: Does Education Matter?, Brooke Hawkins
Searching For a Common Thread: A Retrospective Chart Review of Child and Adolescent Restraints and Seclusions, Mary Koziura
Educating Providers: A Pilot Study on the Impact of Standard Days Method Education in Northern Haiti, Jennifer Quigley
Effect of Dietary Self-Monitoring in Caucasian and African-American Women, Julianne Tondreau
Can the CDC's Get Smart program and a Decision Tree alter Clinician Guideline Adherence for ABRS and AVRS?, Tracy R. Wilson
Scholarly Projects from 2015
Barriers to Health Care Among Laotian Americans in Middle Tennessee, Xaiyavong Saenphansiri
Scholarly Projects from 2014
Medication Adherence and Intervention to Create Success in Hypertensive African Americans in a Rural Setting, Laneita Davis
Pediatric Asthma Telemonitoring: Literature, Theory, and Application to Practice, Erin Christine Shankel