[Archive] Belmont University Research Symposium (BURS)
How Occupying Militaries Impact Controlled Region's Stability
Publication Date
Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, College of
Political Science, Department of
BURS Faculty Advisor
Nathan Griffith
Presentation Type
Oral Presentation
States have occupied foreign land throughout history for many reasons with similar and different results. Research on the impact of occupying troop levels affecting occupied stability is not something tested publicly. This paper intends to begin initial research on how foreign occupying military levels impact stability around the globe. This study will investigate the impact of occupying military forces on the occupied country's stability. Troop levels were collected from Department of Defense (DOD) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) records to maintain consistent and reliable numbers. This study used a rating system from iJET to measure stability. iJET's security company provides country stability ratings consisting of six measures: crime, security services, civil unrest, terrorism, kidnapping, and geopolitical stability. It is expected that increasing occupying forces will increase stability in the occupied region, and stability will decrease when the forces are reduced.
Recommended Citation
Banker, Scott, "How Occupying Militaries Impact Controlled Region's Stability" (2022). [Archive] Belmont University Research Symposium (BURS). 50.