Belmont University Research Symposium (BURS)
Use of chemical restraints in juvenile detention facilities
Publication Date
Pharmacy, College of
Social Work, Department of
BURS Faculty Advisor
Sabrina Sullenberger
Presentation Type
Oral Presentation
The following paper explores House Bill #2755, banning the use of chemical restraint in the form of personal protection spray devices in juvenile detention facilities and children under the supervision of the Department of Children’s Services in Tennessee. This inhumane behavior is condoned in Tennessee juvenile detention centers to harmful effects: there are currently multiple federal lawsuits against detention centers in our state for the use of pepper spray, and/or refusing
to turn over footage of inmates' treatment in het facility. While the use of chemical restraints in juvenile facilities has been outlawed in the majority of states, there are several in which this abuse is still legal, and we advocate this practice be outlawed across all juvenile detention centers nationwide.
Recommended Citation
Casriel, Mira; Cole, Makinley; and Howell, Sarah, "Use of chemical restraints in juvenile detention facilities" (2024). Belmont University Research Symposium (BURS). 453.