[Archive] Belmont University Research Symposium (BURS)

Publication Date

Spring 4-18-2024


Sciences and Mathematics, College of


Psychological Science, Department of

BURS Faculty Advisor

Linda Jones

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation


With mass media, consumption being very accessible, many individuals are being impacted in their daily lives. Mass media influences have had the opportunity to persuade people in their daily choices such as nutritional behaviors. With different nutritional trends on the rise, the presentation of popular media applications, such as TikTok, may have correlations to how individuals react to different trends regarding nutrition. Many videos on the platform have different algorithms that persuade their viewers to partake in different trends. In addition to popular media possibly having the impact of changing an individual's behavior, the overall understanding of nutrition may play a role in how a person perceives these trends being presented. In this research study we studied the effects of how popular media, specifically TikTok videos, and its presentation of race, job profession, and body type can impact a person’s nutritional behavior as well as the likelihood of individual’s desire to replicate different food trends in their lives. This research study also looks at how a person’s understanding of nutrition can play a role in being influenced by and participating in these trends.
