[Archive] Belmont University Research Symposium (BURS)

The Effects of Binaural Beats on Fatigue using Eye Movement

Publication Date



Sciences and Mathematics, College of


Psychological Science, Department of

BURS Faculty Advisor

Dr. Timothy Schoenfeld

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation


This study aims to investigate the effects of binaural beats on fatigue through various eye metrics. The effects of fatigue are well known, with plenty of research focused on how fatigue decreases alertness and increases reaction time. One possible intervention for managing fatigue is through acoustics like binaural beats, an auditory illusion where a person perceives a unique frequency equal to the difference between two unique frequencies played simultaneously in each ear. Binaural beats within the beta range (16-Hz and 24-Hz) yield better performance on vigilant tasks and can maintain performance even in a mentally fatigued state. Eye movements allow for the interpretation of fatigue as fatigued individuals show increased blink rates and reduced saccade velocity and amplitude. Very few studies have investigated the effects of binaural beats intervention while inducing fatigue, and almost no studies have examined the relationship between binaural beats and eye movement. Various Belmont undergraduate students completed a visual search task while listening to either white noise or 16-Hz binaural beats. Fatigue measures were obtained through subjective questionnaires, a performance-based Posner Cueing Task, and various eye metrics captured during a visual search task. We hypothesized that individuals who listened to binaural beats would experience less fatigue during the visual search and cueing task. We expect individuals who listen to binaural beats to show smaller reductions in saccade frequency, velocity, duration, and amplitude and shorter response time on the visual search task. We also expect those same individuals to show smaller reductions in task performance from the first to the second cueing task. With the massive gap in the literature on how binaural beats affect eye movement and fatigue, these results could provide insight into better interventions for sustained focus and attention when mentally fatigued.

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