[Archive] Belmont University Research Symposium (BURS)

A Deeper Look into Enrique Granado’s “El majo discreto”

Publication Date



Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, College of


Foreign Languages, Department of

BURS Faculty Advisor

Mitch McCoy

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation


Enrique Granados, a luminary of Spanish musical heritage, casts a radiant glow upon the stage with his tonadilla "El majo discreto." This exploratory essay delves into the profound intricacies of Granados' composition, unraveling its historical context, thematic essence, and collaborative endeavor with the esteemed poet Fernando Periquet. Granados, a masterful composer of the late Romantic period, showcases his virtuosity in melding traditional Spanish musical forms with innovative compositional techniques. The tonadilla, a quintessential genre of Spanish musical theater, serves as the canvas upon which Granados paints a vivid portrait of Spanish culture and identity.

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