[Archive] Belmont University Research Symposium (BURS)

Examining Transitional Justice Mechanisms and the Efforts to Find Justice Post-Conflict

Publication Date

Spring 4-2023


Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, College of


Political Science, Department of

BURS Faculty Advisor

Nathan Griffith

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation


As new forms of government arise in countries post conflict, the question of how to deal with past atrocities and wrongdoings surface. In an effort to heal and find justice post conflict, Transitional Justice aims to reassure and heal victims in these areas. Transitional Justice comes in many forms. The main goals are restoring order, ending violence, truth-telling, restoring institutions, restoring the rule of law, promoting coexistence, and finding a way to sustainable peace.

This study evaluates the effect of varying transitional mechanisms on peace, living standards, and the overall development of a population. To evaluate this claim, this study uses data from the Transitional Justice Collaborative from the transitions occurring between 1994-2010. This study will assess the level of violence and different mechanisms to discern the effects on peace, government stability, education, and health ten years and five years after the transition.

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